Participation by Prof. Al-Malkawi from Yarmouk in the "Tenth International Forum for Digital Learning 2020."

Participation by Prof. Al-Malkawi from Yarmouk in the "Tenth International Forum for Digital Learning 2020."


Dr. Hanan Malkawi from Yarmouk University participated in the "Tenth International Forum for Learning 2020 - Beyond Corona: Digital Learning - Politics, Theory and Practice for the Future", which was organized by the University of Agder in Norway, and lasted for two days, via the Zoom platform.


Al-Malkawi spoke in the session about  "The digital future and innovation in learning for sustainable societies after the Corona pandemic", where she talked about "Higher education in the Arab region: the challenges of digital learning and means of reform during and after the crisis of the Corona pandemic towards sustainable societies", reviewing the challenges in transformation to distance learning in general in light of the Corona pandemic, and in some disciplines in particular, such as science and medicine, and the initiatives taken to face these challenges and achieve the desired sustainability in this regard after the Corona pandemic.


She stressed the importance of promoting the adoption of a lifelong learning approach for all in view of the rapid development of digital technologies and skills and smart applications, and the need for universities to act as incubators for lifelong learning, to promote the development of human capabilities and skills for the digital age, and to adopt and use digital technologies for sustainable development.

A number of decision-makers in higher education and experts in digital learning and smart applications from several universities and institutions from the United States of America participated in the forum: such as Stanford University, University of Utah, Massachusetts  Institute of Technology (MIT), Arizona State University, Texas, Colorado, Agder University in Norway, and the Secretary General of the International Council for Distance Learning (ICDE) in Norway, Egypt, Britain, Germany, Denmark, and Finland. , Sweden, Kosovo, and India.


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