منشورات شهر 1/2024

تتقدم أسرة كلية العلوم بأحر المباركة للاساتذة التالية اسماءهم لقبول ابحاثهم:


Department of Biological Sciences:

   1. Al-Qaoud, K.M., Obeidat, Y.M. Al-Omari, T. Okour, M., Al-Omari, M.M., Ahmad, M.I. Alshadfan R. & Rawashdeh, A.M. The development of an electrochemical immunosensor utilizing chicken IgY anti‑spike antibody for the detection of SARS‑CoV‑2. Scientific Reports 14, 748.

 Impact Factor: 4.6, Date of Publication: 07/01/2024, Publisher: Nature Springer Q1.


   2. Alqudah, M., Al-rousan, S., Hussein,, Al Khateeb, W., 2024. Coccolithophore assemblages from Gulf of Aqaba and their implications on climate change. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 17(2).

 Impact Factor: 0.28, Date of Acceptance: 17/01/2024, Publisher: Hashemite University, Q2.


   3. Alananbeh, K.M.; Alkfoof, R.; Muhaidat, R.; Massadeh, M. 2024. Production of Xylanase by Trichoderma Species Growing on Olive Mill Pomace and Barley Bran in a PackedBed Bioreactor. Journal of Fungi 10, 49.

 Impact Factor: 5.7, Date of Publication: 05/01/2024, Publisher: MDPI, Q1.


 4. Al-KofahiB. Altrad, H. AmawiA. A AljabaliY. M Abul-Haija, & M. A Obeid. 2024. Paclitaxel-loaded niosomes in combination with metformin: development, characterization and anticancer potentials.

 Impact Factor: 0.5, Date of Publication: 06/01/2024, Publisher: Future Science, Q2.


Department of Chemistry:

1. Atawalbeh, K., Khataybeh, A., Al-Momani, I., 2024. The Impact of Perkins and Blythe Model on Development of Motivation to Chemistry Learning and Academic Achievement among Tenth Grade Female Students in Jordan. Mutah Journal for Humanities.

 Impact Factor:   , Date of Publication: 27/01/2024, Publisher: Mutah University.


2. Ababneh, T.S., Shammout, M., Jazazi, T., Shboul T. (2024), Evaluation of Bis-biphenyl Salicylaldehyde Schiff Base Derivatives for Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibition: Anticancerous Activity and Molecular Modelling Studies. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. 17 (2).

 Impact Factor: 0.28, Date of Acceptance: 17/01/2024, Publisher: Hashemite University, Q2


Department of Mathematics:

1. Ashehry, A., Aljarrah, A., Abu-Dawwas, R., Alkhateeb, A., 2024. On Rings with Involution and Inner RingsResults in Nonlinear Analysis 7 4 (1), 44–63.

 Impact Factor: 2.2, Date of Acceptance: 15/01/2024, Publisher: RNA Q3


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences:

1. Alqudah, M., Al-rousan, S., Hussein,, Al Khateeb, W., 2024. Coccolithophore assemblages from Gulf of Aqaba and their implications on climate change. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 17(2).

 Impact Factor: 0.28, Date of Acceptance: 17/01/2024, Publisher: Hashemite University, Q2.


2. Hakimi, M.H., Kumar, A., Alqubalee, A., Singh, Al., Almobarky, M.A., Rahim, A., Alqudah, M., Lashin, A., Mustapha, K.A., Naseem, W., 2024. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Paleocene-Eocene Palana Formation in western Rajasthan, India: Insights for sedimentary paleoenvironmental conations and volcanic activity. Minerals, 14, 126.

 Impact Factor: 3.5, Date of Acceptance: 17/01/2024, Publisher: MDPI, Q2.


3. Hakimi, M.H., Alqudah, M., Hamed, T.E., Lotfy, N.M., Kahal, A., Rahim, A. 2024. Diagenetic impact on unconventional tight carbonate reservoir of AR-F Member from the Abu Gharadig Field, north Western Desert, Egypt: Insights from combined sedimentological, petrographic and petrophysical dataset. Carbonates and Evaporites.

 Impact Factor: 1.4, Date of Acceptance: 15/01/2024, Publisher: Springer, Q2.


4. A. Al-Hamad, A.A. Al-Taani, H. Ghrefat, M. Khawajah, A. Zoubi. 2024. Assessment of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Cultivated Soils, Northern Jordan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 33(1), 1-15.

 Impact Factor: 1.8, Date of Publication: 01/2024, Publisher: Springer, Q3


Department of Physics:

1. R Ababneh, A Telfah, QM Al Bataineh, E Tolstik, J Dierks, R Hergenröder K.. 2024.  1H, 31P NMR, Raman and FTIR spectroscopies for investigating phosphoric acid dissociation to understand phosphate ion kinetics in body fluids. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 307, 123594.

 Impact Factor: 4.4, Date of Acceptance: 29/10/2023, published online: 16/11/2023. Publisher: Elsevier. Q2.


Department of Statistics:

1. M. Eidous, E. A. Ananbeh, 2024. Kernel method for estimating overlapping coefficient using numerical integration methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation 462, 128339.

 Impact Factor: 4, Date of Publication: 2/2024, Publisher: Springer. Q1


Department of Scientific services

1. Ababneh, T.S., Shammout, M., Jazazi, T., Shboul T. (2024), Evaluation of Bis-biphenyl Salicylaldehyde Schiff Base Derivatives for Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibition: Anticancerous Activity and Molecular Modelling Studies. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. 17 (2).

 Impact Factor: 0.28, Date of Acceptance: 17/01/2024, Publisher: Hashemite University, Q2


أنشئت كلية العلوم عام 1976، بالتزامن مع إنشاء الجامعة وكانت جزءاً من كلية العلوم والآداب، تم فصلهما إلى كليتين عام 1981. تضم الكلية حالياً ستة أقسام أكاديمية هي: الرياضيات، الفيزياء، الكيمياء، الإحصاء، العلوم الحياتية وعلوم الأرض والبيئة.

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