منشورات شهر 11

تتقدم أسرة كلية العلوم بأحر المباركة للاساتذة التالية اسماءهم لقبول ابحاثهم:


Chemistry Department

1. Alserhan A., Al-Masaedeh, A., Al-Momani, I., Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Household Dusts in Irbid and Mafraq Cities, Jordan. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 23 (5): 1415-1432.

Impact Factor: , Date of Acceptance: 25/08/2023, Publisher: Journal Systems.Q3


2. Al-Qudah, M. A., Abu Orabi, F. M., Sheikh Ekraim, G. M., Lahham, J., Al-Jaber, H. I., Alhamzani, A.G., Alakhras, A. I., Bataineh, T. T., Al-Ameer, H. J., Abu-Orabi, S. T. Cytotoxicity, Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Four Euphorbia Species from Jordan. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research. Accepted.

Impact Factor: 0.62, Date of Acceptance: 11/2023, Publisher: Journal Systems.Q3


Math Department

1. Al-Refai, M., Luchko, Y. 2023. General Fractional Calculus Operators of Distributed Order. Axioms, 12, 1075.

 Impact Factor: 2.0, Date of Publication: 24/11/2023, Publisher: MDPI.Q3


2. Rawshdeh, H. Adel Abdelkarim, E. Rawashdeh. 2023. Eigensharp Property of Some Certain Graphs and their Complements. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 19: 2, 427–434.

Impact Factor: 0.26 , Date of publication: 10/11/2023, Publisher: Badih Ghusayni. Q3


3. A.S. Alshehry, R. Abu-Dawwas, and M. Al-Rashdan. 2023. Some notes on graded weakly 1-absorbing primary ideals. Demonstratio Mathematica 56: 20230111.

 Impact Factor: 0.46 , Date of publication: 11/2023, Publisher: DE GRUYTER. Q2


4. S. Alshehry, R. Abu-Dawwas, and M. Al-Rashdan. 2023. On Properties of Graded Rings with respect to Group Homomorphisms. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2023: 3803873.

Impact Factor: 1.2, Date of publication: 11/2023, Publisher: Hindawi Q4


Earth and Environmental Sciences Department


1. Al-Hamad, A. A., Al-Taani, A.A., Ghrefat, H., Khawajah, M., Zoubi, A., Assessment of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Cultivated Soils, Northern Jordan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 33(1): 1-15.

Impact Factor: 1.87, Date of Acceptance: 25/08/2023, Publisher: Journal Systems.Q3


2. Hussein, A., Al-Tarawneh, O., Alqudah, M., Calcareous Nannofossils Biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous–Paleocene Successions from Northern Jordan and Their Implications for Basin Analysis. Geosciences 13(11): 351.

 Impact Factor: 2.7, Date of Acceptance: 13/11/2023, Publisher: MDPI.Q2


3. M. Al‑Radaideh, E. F.z Al‑ Zghoul. 2023. Assessment properties of Tannur reservoir sediments for agricultural use. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 16:633.

Impact Factor: 0.4, Date of Acceptance: 04/11/2023, Publisher: Springer.Q4


4. Al-Fhaid, W. F. Edris and M. Al-Tamimi. 2023. Potential utilization of oil shale as a stabilizing material for compressed Earth block. Frontiers in Built Earth 22, Sec. Construction Materials, Volume 9.

Impact Factor: 1.02, Date of Acceptance: 04/10/2023, Publisher: Springer.Q2


5. Mohammad Y. Atallah, Raw’a R. Harahsheh and Masdouq M. Al-Taj. 2023. Tectonic Analysis of the Tall Al Qarn Pressure Ridge, Dead Sea Transform Fault, Jordan. Iraqi Geological Journal 56 (2D): 346-355

Impact Factor: -, Date of Acceptance: 04/10/2023, Publisher: IGS.Q4


Physics Department


1. Telfah, M-A. Al-Akhras, A. Telfah, I. Jum'h, R. Ababneh, Y. Bustanji, Y. Al-Hiari, R. Hergenröder. 2023. 19F-and 1H-NMR investigations of ofloxacin fluoroquinolone tethered with silver nanoparticles as synergistic antibiotic combinations. Journal of Molecular Structure 1292, 136024.

 Impact Factor: 3.8, Date of Publication: 15/11/2023, Publisher: Elsevier. Q2


2. A Ahmad, I. A Aljarrah, Q. M Al-Bataineh, Ababneh, A. Telfah. Photoluminescence, Optical, and Electrical Properties of Bis (8-Hydroxyquinoline) Zinc and Tris-(8-Hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum Organometallics and Their Films. Journal of Electronic Materials: 1-9

 Impact Factor: 3.8, Date of Publication: 31/10/2023, Publisher: Springer. Q3


3. Ahmad, M.Nawaz, S. Mohammad, R.A. Shakoor, R. Kahraman, T. M. Al Tahtamouni. 2023. Modified Ni-Al layer double hydroxides as nanoparticles for self-healing anti-corrosion composite coating. Surface & Coatings Technology 476: 13072.

 Impact Factor: 4.86, Date of Publication: 10/11/2023, Publisher: Springer. Q1


Statistics Department


1. Al-Saleh, M.M. Ahmad. 2023. Estimation of the common mean of two normal distributions using ranked set sampling and some of its variations.Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation

Impact Factor: 1.162, Date of Publication: 10/2023, Publisher: Springer. Q3


2. Al Saleh and Al Taani, L., 2023. Estimation of Population Size Using Ranked Set Sampling and Some of its Variations. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science 21 (2).

 Impact Factor: -, Date of Publication: 10/2023, Publisher: Hindawi.


أنشئت كلية العلوم عام 1976، بالتزامن مع إنشاء الجامعة وكانت جزءاً من كلية العلوم والآداب، تم فصلهما إلى كليتين عام 1981. تضم الكلية حالياً ستة أقسام أكاديمية هي: الرياضيات، الفيزياء، الكيمياء، الإحصاء، العلوم الحياتية وعلوم الأرض والبيئة.

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