منشورات شهر 12

تتقدم أسرة كلية العلوم بأحر المباركة للاساتذة التالية اسماءهم لقبول ابحاثهم:


Biology Department

A. Al-Horani, S. Janaydeh, B. Al-Trad, M. M. Aljanabi and R. Muhaidat 2023. Acute Exercise Promptly Normalizes Myocardial Myosin Heavy-Chain Isoform mRNA Composition in Diabetic Rats: Implications for Diabetic Cardiomyopathy. Medicina 59, 2193.

Impact Factor: 2.9, Date of Publication: 18/12/2023, Publisher: MDPI Q2


Chemistry Department

Al-Qudah, M.A.; Al-Jaber, H.I.; Abu Orabi, F.M.; Hasan, H.S.; Aldahoun, A.K.; Alhamzani, A.G.; Alakhras, A.I.; Bataineh, T.T.; Rawashdeh, A.M.M.; Abu-Orabi, S.T. Unveiling the Impact of Drying Methods on Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Anthemis palestinaPlants 2023, 12, 3914.

Impact Factor: 4.5, Date of Publication: 20/11/2023, Publisher: MDPI Q1



Altarawneh, S.S., Aldehasat, J.S., Ababneh, T.S., Seifert, A., Weheabby, S., Hijazi, A.K., Al-Momani, L.A. and Al-jaafreh, I.Y. (2023), Triazine-based mesoporous organic polymers as palladium supports: physicochemical properties, porosity and catalytic performance in Suzuki coupling reaction. Polymar International.

 Impact Factor: 3.2, Date of Publication: 06/12/2023, Publisher: Willey Q2


Math Department

Alshbeel, A. Azmi, A.K. Alomari 2024. Generalized Caputo-Katugampola for solving fuzzy fractional Heat Equation. Results in Nonlinear Analysis 7 4 (1), 44–63.

 Impact Factor: 2.2, Date of Publication: 06/12/2023, Publisher: RNA Q3


K. Alomari and R. Shraideh 2023. Approximate solution of fractional allen-cahn equation by the mittag-leffler type kernels. Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS), 16(3), pp 535 - 549

Impact Factor: 0.36 , Date of publication: 12/2023, Publisher: Jordan. Q4


Al-Khaleel, A. Abderrahmane, O. Younis, W. Jamshed, K. Guedri, R. Safdar, S. M Tag. 2023. A Galerkin finite element-based study of MHD mixed convective of Ostwald-de Waele nanofluids in a lid-driven wavy chamber. Results in Physics 56, 107232

Impact Factor: 4.5, Date of publication: 12/2023, Publisher: Elsevier. Q2


Shaqaqha and Nadeen Kdaisat. 2023. Extraction Algorithm of HOM–LIE Algebras Based on Solvable and Nilpotent Groups. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2023, Article ID 6633715, 9 pages.

Impact Factor: 1.2, Date of publication: 12/2023, Publisher: Hindawi. Q4


Earth and Environmental Sciences Department


Awawdeh, M., Alkhateeb, E., Al-Radaideh, N. The Use of Remote Sensing and GIS for Mapping Silica Sand Deposits in Jordan. Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 14(3): 232-240.

Impact Factor: -, Date of Publish: 01/12/2023, Publisher: Hashemite University.Q4


Al‑Rawabdeh, A., Awawdeh, M.,Al Quraan, H., Jaradat, RModeling landslides hazard along Amman–Jerash–Irbid Highway, Jordan by integrating open street map (OSM) and weighted linear combination (WLC) techniques. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.

Impact Factor: 3.0, Date of publication: 28/12/2023, Publisher: Springer Q1


Physics Department

K. A. Rabaeh a, A. S. Bani Issa, A. M. Ababneh, M. Eyadeh. 2023.  Enhancement the dosimetric properties of N-(3-methoxypropyl) acrylamide polymer gel dosimeter for cancer treatment. Radiation Physics and ChemistryVolume 216, 111441.

Impact Factor: 2.77, Date of Acceptance: 29/11/2023, published online: 4/12/2023. Publisher: Elsevier. Q2


Statistics Department

A. Hanandeh, and A.I. Al-Omari. 2023. Estimation Based on Ranked Set Sampling for Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern Bivariate Weibull Distribution Parameters with an Application to Medical Data. Pak.j.stat.oper.res. 19(4) 2023:671-687

Impact Factor: 0.54, Date of Publication: 12/2023, Publisher: Springer. Q2


أنشئت كلية العلوم عام 1976، بالتزامن مع إنشاء الجامعة وكانت جزءاً من كلية العلوم والآداب، تم فصلهما إلى كليتين عام 1981. تضم الكلية حالياً ستة أقسام أكاديمية هي: الرياضيات، الفيزياء، الكيمياء، الإحصاء، العلوم الحياتية وعلوم الأرض والبيئة.

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