Scientific instruments in the Department of Chemistry

Scientific instruments in the Department of Chemistry

Equipment Type of Analysis Accuracy of Measurement Price of Sample/Element Time needed for analysis
Atomic Spectrum Device Analyzes ions of elements, Zn, Cd…. One millionth 1 PPM 5 JD per element per sample 10 days (after appointing technician)
Atomic Spectrum Emission Device ICP Analyzes ions of elements, Zn, Cd…. (Can analyze 20+ elements at one time) One millionth 1 PPM or less 3 JD / element if no. of elements is 10 or more. ** 5 JD if no. of elements is less than 10 10 days (after appointing technician)
Ion Chromatography Device IC Analyzes solid ions NO3, SO4, Cl One millionth 1 PPM 30 JD/sample 10 days (after appointing technician)
Liquid Chromatography Device HPLC Measures organic materials One millionth 1 PPM 30 JD/sample 10 days (after appointing technician)
NMR 400 MHz 1H Very accurate 10 JD 10 minutes
NMR 400 MHz 13C Very accurate 20 JD if sample is 30 mg or more. 30 JD if sample is less than 30 mg. 3 hours / 6 hours
NMR 400 MHz Dept 135 Very accurate 10 JD 30 minutes
NMR 400 MHz Dept 90 Very accurate 10 JD 30 minutes
NMR 400 MHz Cosy Very accurate 20 JD 3 hours
NMR 400 MHz HMBC Very accurate 20 JD 3 hours
NMR 400 MHz HMQC Very accurate 40 JD 4 hours
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