About Department

About Chemistry Department


Head of Chemistry Department

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The Chemistry Department was established in 1976, and the Master’s program was introduced in 1980. By the close of the Summer Semester 2014/2015, the number of Bachelor’s students within the Department had reached 437, with an additional 36 graduate students, 10 of whom were in the stage of preparing their Master’s thesis.


Of the 24 members of the teaching staff within the Department, 17 are Full Professors. The Department also employs 6 lecturers and a teaching assistant who each hold a Master’s degree, in addition to 10 technicians, one secretary and a building attendant.


 Within the Department, there are 24 teaching and research laboratories geared to each of the traditional Chemistry fields (Organic, Non-organic, Physical and Analytical). The Department also possesses advanced equipment in the field of Organic Chemistry, such as a magnetic resonance machine (NMR 400 MHz), a mass spectrometer, and other equipment used in the field of photochemistry and lasers.


The work area contained within the Chemistry Department building covers 4000 square meters, including the 9 teaching laboratories, 15 research laboratories, 4 lecture halls, and offices for the teaching staff and assistant staff. The building is considered comprehensive as, from its conception and design, it complies with all public safety and environmental regulations, as well as meeting all the day-to-day requirements of the Department. Here it is worth mentioning that the building houses several general equipment rooms and a glass-blowing workshop, as well as a large amount of advanced equipment. The glass-blowing workshop produces all of the glass instruments needed within the Department and by the University as a whole.


The majority of the researchers in the Department have received support for their scientific projects in various disciplines of Chemistry from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Higher Education, as well as from scientific institutions such as the Scientific Research Support Fund, the Abdel-Hameed Shuman Foundation, the Higher Council for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Higher Education, the European Economic Community, the German Overseas Academic Support Service (DAAD) the German Humboldt Institute, and Carlton University in Canada.


The Department aspires to be among the top-ranking, internationally recognized departments in both the research and academic fields, aiming for excellence in the teaching of our students and in carrying out innovative scientific research. In addition, we make every effort to participate fully in the local community in order to contribute to economic development, meeting the challenges of the day and keeping pace with the rapid pace of progress.



The Department of Chemistry strives to prepare graduates who are fully equipped with the scientific knowledge and a sense of innovation in the Chemistry field, making them able to respond effectively to the demands of the modern scientific and technological arena, as well as being able to play their part in the building of Jordanian society founded upon sound scientific and ethical precepts.


Contact Us

Phone : 027211111     Ext. : 2791   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The faculty of science strives to   maintain top level research and teaching standards  in all its departments. The faculty fulfils its national obligation to general education providing extensive scientific instruction.

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Phone : 027211111 (2411 / 2412)

Fax : 0096227211117

E-mail : Science.fac@yu.edu.jo

Address :Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

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