About EES Department

About EES Department


Head of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department

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The department of Earth and Environmental Sciences was founded in 1981 in response to the growing demands for professional geologists and increasing environmental concern. Ever since, the department was committed to providing unique programs and high-quality education and research opportunities in geo- and environmental sciences, with our graduates becoming leaders in both academia and industry.


The department facilitates interdisciplinary research and teaching in geosciences, GIS, environmental physics, environmental chemistry, geoarcheology. In addition to offering a bachelor degree in geology, the department also provides an opportunity for students majoring in other fields to combine their expertise with geology and environmental sciences, through two minor programs (in geology and in environmental sciences). Also, the department is currently running two graduate programs (M.Sc.), one in Geology and another in Environmental sciences. The department is keen to link theoretical knowledge with practical aspects by offering summer geology field course and applied research work.


The department has a number of graduate and undergraduate courses designed not only for geology students but also for students from other faculties including: faculty of tourism (ecotourism: ENV 642), faculty of archeology and anthropology (GEO 107, ENV 103), faculty of arts (geography students: GEO107, GEO301, GEO 302, GEO348). In addition, the department offers elective course in environmental sciences 2 (ENV 101B; for students of the faculty of science) and environmental sciences 1 (ENV 101A) for all university students. In its future plan and in response to the growing environmental awareness, the department is planning to address the university administration to offer a compulsory course for university students from all majors in the field of global environmental issues and awareness.


There are currently 23 faculty members (6 professors, 5 associate professors, 3 assistant professors, 2 visiting professors, 3 lecturers, 4 teaching assistants),  and 6 technicians. The number of students enrolled in the undergraduate program (bachelor's degree of Geology) is 402, 130 in the minor degree (Environmental Sciences 114 and Earth Sciences 16), and 18 are enrolled in the master's degree programs as well. The department’s faculty members, who graduated from well-renowned universities worldwide, have produced a large number of publications in peer-reviewed and international journals. In addition to offering advanced and interdisciplinary research opportunities, the department offers consultancies and services in related fields and has set a foundation for bi-and multilateral cooperation with other universities and organizations on the national and international levels.


The department is equipped with laboratories and resources in the areas of teaching and research, enabling our students to conduct advanced research in a wide range of topics including: Sedimentary, Petroleum, Earth Surface Processes, Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Paleoclimate, Structural Geology, Engineering Geology, Environmental Monitoring and Quality Assessment and Water Resources Management.



The Vision of our department is to be a leader in Earth and Environmental Sciences with emphasis on teaching, service, and industrial/community-based research.



Our mission is to provide comprehensive field and laboratory integrated academic training (that will involve theoretical, practical and social science approach especially in the domain of policy development, environmental management and protection) in the fields of Earth and Environmental Sciences.


 Contact Us

Phone : 027211111     Ext. : 2920   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The faculty of science strives to   maintain top level research and teaching standards  in all its departments. The faculty fulfils its national obligation to general education providing extensive scientific instruction.

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E-mail : Science.fac@yu.edu.jo

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